About Me
Hi! I’m Katrina!
A little about me:
I was born and raised in Oregon and recently moved back with my family because we are looking for a place with seasons, good schools and family. I have done quite a bit of traveling in my 30 years but I still come back to Oregon. In the last 11 years I have lived in 5 states: Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, and Oregon.
I am an avid Disney fan, I’ve even working at Walt Disney World. There will be plenty of post about Disney. And I know there isn’t really any Disney in Eugene. Except the duck for the University of Oregon. Rumor has it Disney and the university had a verbal agreement that UO could use Donald as their mascot. Donald is my little part of Disney in Eugene.

About this blog
The reason I started this blog is to showcase Eugene from, a sometimes imperfect, first hand experiences (see Snow Spencers Butte). Eugene has grown leaps and bounds in the last decade, I mean look at the University or all the new housing. People are moving here from all over the world. And yes, Eugene is well known for their sporting events and the Bach festival but theres so much more!
I’m here to help you answer the questions, “where do I eat that’s close to Auzten?” or if you have an afternoon free “where do we go that’s family friendly?”. Hopefully I can take some stress out of planning your trip. There is so much to explore in Eugene and enjoy in Oregon!